
As mentioned in ‘Sowing more seeds’ I have been undertaking a course on DNA. I also decided, after resisting for a long time, to upgrade my ‘DNA only’ version of Ancestry. I purchased the UK version. The list of matches that Ancestry produces can be overwhelming. Correction: it is overwhelming. At the time of writing…

More on DNA

I am posting this in the hope that someone will either confirm my theories or tell me that I am completely wrong. If I share a single 3 cM segment of DNA with someone, then there is a 97% probability that it is due to random factors. Turning it round, there is only a 3%…

Looking for faint stars

It seems that most of the DNA evidence that I have at present is like trying to identify very faint stars on a dark night. You know that they are there, but you cannot be certain exactly what you are seeing. Is it a star, or a figment of your imagination? We want to discover…

Power of numbers

I am a member of the Roscommon DNA Facebook group. At the time of writing (April 2022), there are over 1,100 members. There are 1482 samples that can be cross checked on (Some members manage samples on behalf of other people.) If I run the analysis on Gedmatch, with a minimum cut off of…

Who was Bridget Scott?

In ‘Ormsby & Scott’, I explained the dilemma about the identity of my great grandmother Bridget.  The birth record of the sister, Mary, with whom Patrick is staying in 1911 clearly names her mother as Bridget Ormsby. Patrick’s birth records from March 1883, both civil and church, name his mother as Bridget Scott. Are we…

How far back?

In the ‘Dewsbury once more’, I referred to the identification of a common ancestor. The other researcher and I share 95 centimorgans of DNA. We are third cousins once removed. The point at which our family trees coincide is John Stanley, born sometime around 1800. His date of birth could be as late as 1807.…

95 centimorgans

This blog explores the opposite problem to the previous one (Multiple clans). Ancestry has identified someone with whom I share 95 centimorgans (cM) of DNA. (Other testing companies are available!) This is by far the highest score that I have on my list. The next highest is 51. According to the wonders of the…

Multiple clans

When I started out on this voyage of exploration, in 2007, I knew almost nothing about my grandfather’s origins. I have discovered a lot in the meantime. I have files full of information. Perversely, there now seems even more that I don’t know. This is where you need to check out Donald Rumsfeld. In 2002,…

Both ends to the middle – Part 1

In April 2019 I posted a blog on my family history website entitled “DNA: the magic bullet?”. ( ) In the intervening period, the number of DNA matches that appear on my list from Ancestry has expanded. In the 4th-6th cousin group (above 20 cM of DNA in common) there are 294 names. I refer…